Recently, we embarked on a local journey in Basingstoke to deliver snacks to a foodbank, located conveniently near HDD HQ, at the delightful Willows Cafe.

Proud to be supporting our local community!

Recently, we embarked on a local journey in Basingstoke to deliver snacks to a foodbank, located conveniently near HDD HQ, at the delightful Willows Cafe. Our contribution included a variety of crisps, chocolates, and nuts, all meant to support those in need. The desire to give back has been lingering in our thoughts, and when we discovered that Willows already had a donation setup, we couldn't pass up the opportunity.

This had been on our agenda for some time, so it was as the perfect occasion to join forces with Willows Cafe and contribute to our immediate community. As a small business, we recognise the importance of giving back and have now made it an integral part of our strategy.

If you're unsure where to begin, there are numerous resources available. You can explore volunteer opportunities online, in local newspapers, or reach out to nearby organisations. Donating funds to causes you care about is also a valuable option. 

Regardless of the method you choose, the crucial point is to take action. When we invest in our communities, we contribute to their strength and vitality. 

Here are a few more reasons why giving back to your community is so important:

  • Strengthening the community: When everyone lends a helping hand, a stronger sense of community forms, fostering a deeper connection among individuals.
  • Personal growth: Volunteering or donating to a cause dear to your heart offers an opportunity to acquire new skills that can benefit you personally and professionally.
  • Making a difference: Even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on the lives of others.

Head to our grid to see our journey to Willows. Who knows what goodies we’ll be able to deliver next time. 

Happy Days Drinks

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